Wednesday 5 June 2013

Catch up

Apologies for the distinct lack of blogging just lately, I haven't been idle in case you were wondering, I just couldn't find the time at the end of the day to get around to blogging before bedtime! Lot's of things have kept me busy and I'll try to mention some here without boring you.

The sheep have recovered from their haircut despite the weather turning very chilly for the couple of weeks after shearing, and I have managed to wash two of the fleeces since then.

I did manage to get a visit to the lambs eventually and they certainly have grown. I took the "Aged Parent" (aka Granny) with me and had another good day trip to the coast in lovely sunny weather yet again. I didn't take as many photos as I had planned but it is very difficult when your attention is being demanded by such lovely lambs! We were there for nearly three hours! I'm sure Lucy must have been relieved to see us go home! Here's one of Granny and Baloo.

I also managed to bring home a car full of fleece from Lucy's sheep and as we have had sunny weather again I got a few of them washed before too long.
I'm really looking forward to spinning with these fleeces as the small samples I have done so far look very promising. By the way I use Fibre Scour, an Australian product that I find is wonderful at getting fleeces clean quickly. You can find it at
One Friday evening I went with my son Nicholas to Aberystwyth on the west Wales coast to see the cycling. They have a town centre cycling series here in the U.K. and Aberystwyth hosts one of the stages every year. It was a lovely sunny evening but with a blustery wind off the sea which gave the cyclists a bit of a strong crosswind to contend with. Nicholas took some lovely photos but as yet he hasn't sent me any to show you. I shall have to badger him some more!
On Spring Bank Holiday Monday (27th) Nicholas was invited to join a friends trip to the local pub driving his steam traction engine. Hubby and I went too and I got the chance to take some photos to show you.
The traction engine is a Marshall built in 1912 and was sent to Tazmania to work in the logging industry and was brought back to the U.K. in the 1990's I believe. A jolly good time was had by all!
As well as all this jollification Granny and I have been toiling away in the garden, trying to subdue the creeping buttercups and the ground elder which have taken over some areas as a result of the dreadful weather last year giving rise to a total lack of gardening. We have decided to plant more ground cover and try to stick to hardy plants which can cope with our bad weather and clay soil here at Deerfold. We shall see!

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